Monday, August 30, 2010

What's Bothering Me Now: "Selfish Sidewalk Hoarders"

Have you ever stumbled off the sidewalk or into a complete stranger because somebody needed to sidewalk as a side"stay"? Have you been this insufferable individual? Take some time today to think about these instances and remember the following story. Sidewalks are meant for our safety, not our impending deaths. This is my story.

Today started off rather normally. I woke up, got dressed, contemplated dropping out and becoming a trophy wife, got it together, went to school, sat down in my first class, and decided I wanted a crossword puzzle to occupy that time between getting to school and my break (class). This is the point where I should have said, “You know what? I’ll wait and actually pay attention today.” I, however, did not and thus the horrors begin:

I retrieved my installment of the Red & Black and proceeded to continue back to my class. NBD, whatevs. While crossing the sidewalk, I narrowly escaped a sudden a premature death. This is a big deal. The way this sidewalk works, is that it’s large enough for trucks to drive up to make deliveries to the bookstore and other such places by the Zell B. Miller Learning Center and Tate II. SO, a FedEx truck was utilizing this function as per usual. Now, there was plenty of room for me to walk alongside the truck on the side walk and avoid having a me-shaped dent on the side of the truck. I decided that would be my course of action and turned onto the sidewalk with that plan in mind. About this time, a girl was approaching from the opposite direction so I stepped a little closer to the truck but still a safe distance to avoid bumping into her. But the Karma of courtesy was not on my side today.

You see, this girl thought that my desire to walk beside the truck instead of in front of its wheels of death was selfish compared to her need to walk in a serpentine fashion. As I stepped around said female, she takes a giant and over exaggerated step into my path forcing me within inches of this 5 mph death trap. I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do. I did some fancy footwork, ungraceful and choppy and probably dangerous for someone with my coordination. I made it out alive and endeavored to write about it. While I do celebrate my victory over this attempt on my life, I am still extremely bothered.

1 comment:

  1. uh, thats when you knock a girl sideways.

    running into her > running into the truck
