Friday, April 30, 2010

What's Bothering Me Now: Arizona


So, there's a new law in Arizona that requires any legal immigrant to carry their papers that declare them United States citizens. This of course opens the door for open racial profiling, and that is not what America is about.

INFO: (So you can be informed and make your own judgments)

I've been defending America for years now. I still stand by the need for restricting illegal immigration, but Arizona, I don't know that I can support this. To prove this is ridiculous, I am going to lay out an alternative scenario:

Picture this-
You were born in Quebec, Canada. You are now living a boring and happy life in a small town in Maine delighting in Lobster and the everyday life of someone in Maine. Being from Quebec, you know French and English...really accomplished...more than most American's can say...Way To Go!! However, an American police officer, who is enjoying his glazed doughnut with Sprinkles and venti grande black coffee, overhears the "Bon Jour" and "au voir" and grabs the gun and frisk stick. He approaches you and asks for identification to prove the legality of your being in the US. You are out walking the dog without your wallet. SO, he gets to arrest you because you cannot prove at that instant that you are in the United States legally. So there goes your day until your also French speaking husband arrives with your ID and lets you out. BUT guess who left his ID at home??? Yep, your husband. So now he's sitting next to this guy who is makin' eyes at your man and thinking of all the fun they're going to have that night while you head back home to grab his ID. Once it is all settled and you get to your suburban home, guess who all has heard that you got arrested? Everyone. All the kids, all the adults, all the everybody. Who's trick-or-treating at your house this halloween when you and your husband have been in jail. Now your house is creepy and no matter how many times you explain that it was all a misunderstanding and that you weren't even charged with anything, your name is ruined and that local doctor who was going to hire you because you are bilingual and can help him with all his patients who might also be legally in the US from Quebec has decided he can't have someone who the people won't trust working for him. Ergo, your life is ruined because you know two languages and Officer McBiggieBritches got bored.

Is a native language that different from skin color. Why should we assume someone hopped the border illegally because they have a nice tan and speak a different language? It's ignorant so while it is important to crack down on immigration are we really going to regress back into racism and stereotypes? I hope not.

And if that's the case, why are we not questioning all the people who speak French or say "eh"? Why wouldn't Canadians try to sneak in illegally. I mean they can sneak over here just as easily as Hispanics can. However, we do not have little border patrol minute men watching the border to look for Canadians creeping in. of course, after Arizona's new law, who would want to?

So for your aural pleasure:

Daniel Tosh:

And that is what's bothering me now.


  1. "I still stand by the need for illegal immigration, but Arizona, I don't know that I can support this."

    Okay so I was debating commenting because I really should stop procrastinating & we haven't spoken in a while...but I would like to hear why you stand by the need for illegal immigration. BTW I agree the new Arizona law is absurd.

  2. ha yeah someone else caught that and I edited it to restricting illegal immigration, or so i thought.

  3. Yes, on my computer it reads "I still stand by the need for restricting illegal immigration, but Arizona, I don't know that I can support this." So it's fixed.

    And great blog, by the way, I agree with you wholeheartedly. And that Daniel Tosh part is a good touch.
